Nobeth NBSAH 72KW Automatic Electric Steam Boiler Price
Description of product (AH series):
1. Exterior is made up of high-quality thick steel, with special painting process, beautiful and durable
The exterior design is welcomed to millions of customers
2. The unique set of temperature controller can adjust and display the steam temperature inside
3. Large space steam storage of inner tank, pure steam without water, use three kinds: high, middle and low probe to control the water level.
Full automatic watering and heating can prevent heating without water, it is safe and also can extend the service life of the heating pipes and boilers
4. Pressure, temperature, safety valve triple security
5. Two doors(one in front and other on the right), independent water or electricity tank can maintain and check convenient later
6. High temperature and high pressure water pump can extract the hot water from last steam and save electric energy
7. Main parts are made of well-known brands in china.
the unique temperature control device can accurately read the internal steam temperature of the inner tank
8. Pressure limited, full automatic control device, independent water or electric tank
safe and reliable
9. Multiple security: automatic discharge of safety value device, breaking and leakage electricity protection, and automatic water level monitoring system
10. have waterproof, moisture, shock protection of the circuit system
Five security:
1. Stop heating automatically when reaching the setting temperature
2. Stop heating automatically when reaching the setting pressure
3. The safety valve relief automatically when the pressure reached the setting pressure
4. Stop heating automatically when there is no water in the tank
5. Stop heating automatically when stainless steel mechanical adjustable pressure controller reached the setting pressure.
Buyer know:
1. Do not use water from well, river and lake. because there are many minerals of these untreated water. Although some water looks very clear without turbidity, after repeated boiling in generator, the minerals in the water can cause serious chemical reaction and stick on the heating pipe and water level controller, then bring troubles as below:
1) Too much dirt outside the heating pipe will prolong the heating time, increase power consumption
2) Too much dirt will decrease the service life of heating pipe
3) Too much dirt on the water level controller will cause trouble when using, may broke the heating pipes
2. This machine should be operated by the certain people who is very familiar with the instruction. Do operate as the notice on front of generator and use intruction
3. The machine must be on the ground
4. Check the power and add water to the water tank, before power on
5. promptly release the steam and water in the boiler before power off, close power.
if not, the steam inside will become false gas after cooling, then the pressure will rise very soon next day, but you will find it is water when opening the valve
6. Timely blow off dirty when using this machine, twice daily is the best.
Blowing off dirty should be with pressure 0.156MPA, so prevent clogging pipes. Pay attention to the proper connection of the blow-off dirty pipe, avoid scald.
7. Using the machine in proper way will greatly increase the service life, also can save electricity cost
8. Any technical questions, please contact us